What is the average age group for Painting Events and Art Camps?
The average age group for both our Painting Events and Art Camps is 6 - 10 years old! While 6 -10 years old is the most common age of our students, we see a variety of ages. At MyArt, we maintain a sustainable teacher to student ratio, so those younger OR older students get the attention they require!
Can students bring snacks to their Painting Event or Art Camp?
Due to food allergies, we ask that students don't bring snacks to their classes, events, or camps. Students are welcome to bring drinks as long as they are bottled with a cap!
How are we notified in the case of class cancellations due to weather, power outages, etc.?
MyArt does not follow the school system when canceling painting events or art camps. When classes are canceled, customers will be notified via email, website, or SMS texting. For more information on our Cancellation Policy click here.
Due you offer refunds or credits for Painting Events or Art Camps?
In order to receive a refund or credit for a Painting Event, the customer must cancel 24 hours prior to the event. A cancelation must be made 10 days prior to receive a refund or credit for an Art Camp! Click here for more on our Cancellation Policy.
What does a Painting Event entail?
Our painting events are 2 hours of art fun! During the Painting Event student will be guided through the drawing and painting of a project; all of the students work on and complete the same painting on a 16 x 20 canvas! By the end of the event, every student will take home their own painting!
What does an Art Camp entail?
Our Art Camps are divided into two categories: one-day and four-day Art Camps! One day Art Camps meet once for three hours; within those three hours, campers will be guided through the drawing, coloring, and completion of 1 - 2 pieces of art! Four-day Art camps meet for two and a half hours on four consecutive days. During those days, campers will be guided through the drawing, coloring, and completion of 4 - 6 pieces of art! In both Art Camps, campers learn drawing and painting techniques while experiencing a variety of media!